This Conveniently Sized Tip Card Assists You in Field Dressing Deer and Large Game.
This weather-resistant plastic card provides a compact guide with detailed instructions and tips on how to field dress deer and other large game in the wild. Filled with expert advice and technical skills, this wallet-sized resource is essential for the novice learning to field dress deer and other large game.
The Field Dressing Large Game tip card is ideal for hunters and backcountry adventurers for its lightweight and small size, allowing it to be stored easily in a wallet or tin. Its practical size and comprehensive data render it a superior option to carry in lieu of a heavier wildcrafting or backcountry field guide.
A Tiny Field Guide on How to Field Dress Deer and other Large Game
Choose from several tip card options to customize your own wilderness survival guide that only contains the essential information you need. Compact and lightweight, you'll have your very own resource for field dressing large game.
Waterproof Hunting Instruction Tip Card
These water-resistant tip cards will ensure that your camping experience is hassle-free, as you don't have to worry about rain and other external factors. Keep them handy for a constant source of reliable guidance.
Credit Card Field Dressing Tip Card
At a mere credit cards size, this field dressing tip card can easily be placed with several other survival tip cards in a wallet pocket or even a pocket-sized Altoids tin survival kit, making it a handy field guide to always have with you.
Survival Tip Cards for Every Situation
Grim Workshop offers a full line of , each with a distinct topic and purpose, making them the perfect reference for the bushcraft and hunting community or to be incorporated into an emergency survival kit. Every card provides useful information and insight, allowing readers to increase their knowledge and gain invaluable skills. To view our full collection, click !